Garrett Blackmon

Garrett Blackmon

Full Stack Developer

[email protected]

+1 (334) 714-9838

Birmingham, AL 35022

Headshot of Garrett Blackmon

responsive web design

About Me

Hello, I'm Garrett. I'm a full stack web developer currently living in Birmingham, Alabama. I enjoy making stylish, performant, responsive, and search engine optimized websites.

NodeJS Serverless Framework AWS VueJS Python Bash Microservices Webpack SEO

Hello World!
Made friends in the Halo 3 modding community who introduced me to programming mod tools in Visual Basic and C#.
Reaction Gif DataBase
After learning some basic HTML and CSS I created a gif hosting website using PHP and mySQL where users could upload, tag, and search various gifs. The upload script would hash and check the database for duplicates before storing the gif to reduce duplicate uploads.
Class Scheduler
Expanding on this, I developed a web interface for finding ideal class schedules for my community college. This project focused more heavily on efficient methods of querying and sorting data.
Learning OOP
Midway through my Computer Science curriculum at Auburn University I learned much more about Object Oriented Programming and gained exposure to languages from Python down to Assembly.
Web Development
Closer to the end of my college career I became bored with creating CLI tools that technically work but are a UX nightmare. I started creating small webapps in Node.js and realized the fruit of my labor tastes sweeter with a sleek front end on top.
Yellow Card
Before graduation I begain working for a Cryptocurrency exchange startup called Yellow Card. There I was introduced to my first modern Javascript framework Vue.js. Being a smaller startup company, I was given exposure and responsibility over the entire stack, allowing me to mature into a full stack developer.

Hobbies and Interests


Open Source / *nix

I am a supporter of the open source ideology. I believe that most code should be free to use and contribute to.



Speedrunning is the act of beating a videogame as quickly as possible. Watching a seasoned speedrunner beat your favorite game is a treat.


Craft Beer

Beer is great! It's even better enjoyed with a small group of friends over a board game at your local brewry. Porter/Stout man.